Shock Strips

Shock Strips are small tracks that provide a very mild electric shock to nuisance birds in an effort to prevent them from roosting or nesting on buildings. The shock is just enough to scare them and make the area less appealing. You could compare this method to electric fences used to keep dogs in a yard. The shock they receive is not painful, just uncomfortable enough to keep them from landing where you do not want them to land. Think of it as training the birds to stay away from the designated area. They can be powered by electricity or solar panels, depending upon their location and they are commonly used in commercial settings.

Where can Shock Stips be used?

Pigeons, sparrows, seagulls and other pest birds are drawn to ledges, awnings, rooftops, signs and other problematic surfaces of your building. So much damage can be caused by these birds. Droppings alone can create serious problems for business owners and managers. Restaurants with outdoor eating spaces are a great example of this. The last thing customers want is to be surrounded by bird droppings or harassed by birds for food.

Health issues could also be a factor around food. Bird droppings carry an array of diseases like salmonella, e coli, histoplasmosis and many more. You do not want any of them to be associated with your business. There are countless situations that require bird control for commercial locations and using shock strips may be the best solution for you.

Preventing structural damage and loss of business is the goal. One of the nice things about this control method is that it can work in specific areas, giving you more control. We can complete an inspection for you and discuss your problem areas and place shock strips in the best locations. Curved areas, straight and flat areas are all workable with shock strips.

How will shock strips look?

One of the great features of this method is how discreet they are. They are placed flat against whatever surface they are on so they do not interfere with the aesthetics of the building. Architecture and design are, many times, important to businesses. Whether you are located in a historic location or a themed company, we can place them to blend right in and be unnoticeable to your clients or patrons.

Installation of shock strips

Because the strips require electricity or solar power sources, it is important to have them installed professionally. The first step is to schedule an appointment for a consultation. We will discuss your problem and complete an inspection of the property. Then we will go over your options and explain the best plan for bird control at your business.

We will provide you with an estimate and any other necessary information you may need about the shock strips. During the inspection we will note the ideal places for the shock stropps to be installed. Call us today to schedule. Your business will be bird free in no time!