Buzzards are commonly referred to as Vultures or Turkey Vultures. They are large birds and a large nuisance to many businesses and commercial areas. These birds can be found all over America and can be particularly hard on roofs, architecture and towers. They can weigh up to six pounds and have a wide wingspan. A few identifiable traits of the Turkey Vulture are the red bald head that looks like a turkey and dark gray or blackish feathers. The lifespan can be up to twenty years for one of these creatures.
Their species is migratory so they are protected by laws, making controlling them more of a challenge for business owners and commercial property owners. Calling in experts is the best way to deal with this particular issue. You will not generally find a single buzzard; they tend to move or relocate in large community groups. The Black Vulture is more compact but just as much of a nuisance.
If you have large groups of these birds gathering and roosting on your property please contact us for assistance as you could be charged a large fine for harming them. We will schedule a free consultation and provide you with an estimate and a plan for keeping them away from your business.
Common Nesting Areas
Buzzards like to roost on roofs, ledges, railings, rotting trees, shrubs and other areas around your buildings. They lay their eggs, two or three at a time, in any crevice or protected burrow they can find and will incubate them for 30-40 days. Defending the eggs is done with hissing and regurgitating food on the intruder or even playing dead.
While they will sometimes kill prey for food they survive primarily on carrion, or the decaying flesh of dead animals or humans. They find food by smelling. This can include small mammals all the way up to larger animals like deer. They will also sometimes feed on vegetation or insects if they need to . What they do is a benefit to the ecosystem, it is not what you want your clients or employees to have to observe. They are definitely not pleasant birds.
Damages from Buzzards
Because of their diet, buzzards have sharp beaks. They will peck on caulking, shingles, roof liners, vent seals and any other soft surface. They can destroy seals and wipers on cars as well, places like car dealerships can have costly damages if the birds are not dealt with.
Droppings can be large and damaging to property as well. It can result in large clean up costs and create a very dirty, uninviting appearance for your business. There are times when, after feeding you may even find carcasses on your property. Because of the nature of these birds and their diet they also carry diseases. Salmonella, meningitis, encephalitis and toxoplasmosis just to name a few.
Absolutely nothing about these birds would make you want them to be a fixture at your business. No matter what business you are running, whether it is an airport or a smaller warehouse, do not allow these birds to create costly damages. Contact us to schedule a consultation at no charge.