
Pigeons are without a doubt the most common pest bird out there.  This is especially true in urban or populated areas.  They are very at home on buildings and other structures and are not concerned with being surrounded by nature.  They are usually a bluish-gray color with some blended colors on their neck or head that can look iridescent.  They can be darker gray sometimes as well and they have the body shape of a dove.  They make a cooing noise and can be overwhelming if not controlled.

They are not migratory birds so they will stay in an area long term if they choose and they can be very determined to stay.  This is a problem that can get very big, very fast. You will need experts to rid your business or commercial property of these pests. We will do a no cost initial consultation and inspection and provide you with the perfect plan for your property.  

Common Nesting Areas and Problems

Bridge supports, window sills, beams, abandoned buildings, gutters, air conditioning units, vents and any other roof surface are common nesting spaces for Pigeons. They are not very particular so any flat spot on your building is fair game for them. A few twigs is all they need to create a home. They can breed at any time of the year up to six times per year and the eggs hatch in about 18 days.

These birds tend to live in flocks, sometimes as large as 500 birds if there is enough food in an area to support them. They survive on whatever they can scavenge. In populated areas people tend to provide what they need in trash and bird seed but they will also eat grass, natural seeds and berries. They are commonly found in outdoor eating areas where humans will create crumbs and dropped food. It will be especially important to have your business treated if you have an area where food is consumed by your customers. We are here to help, call us for help with your pigeon problems.

Damages from Pigeons

You might be surprised at how much damage can be created by these pesky birds. While they can cause damage to your structure when building nests. Pieces of debris falling blocking gutters and air conditioning units can create the need for expensive repairs or possibly the loss of money due to shutting down while repairs are made.

The bulk of the damage they create is from their droppings. A large flock of pigeons will make a significant amount of waste. This can cause poor air quality for your customers as well as employees if over exposed. Their feces contains uric acid that can corrode metal surfaces, paint and even concrete over time. It is also dirty and requires costly professional clean up if it is excessive. These droppings also carry bacteria and fungus that cause many diseases. Things you do not want your employees or customers exposed to like encephalitis, salmonella, meningitis and histoplasmosis.

All of these problems can be avoided by having our team of professionals inspect your property at no cost and develop a plan to control the birds. Call us today

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