What is Bird Wire or Grid Wire Deterrent

Line wire or bird Wire is an excellent option when it comes to bird control. It is effective and long lasting, making it a practical choice for businesses.
Designed to prevent pigeons and similar sized birds from roosting or loafing on exterior building surfaces.

Essentially, it is an unstable wire that makes it unsupportive so they are not able to land. This method has proven to be an effective way to deter nuisance birds from your business. It is discrete, and does not interfere with any design elements on your building.

In most cases it is completely unnoticeable. Using wire is also a humane way to control them. They simply recognize quickly that they can not land on the wires and they fly away. It does not injure the bird, or use any toxic chemicals.

Schedule an appointment with our professional team for a consultation and estimate for you.

Where can Grid Wire be used

This method of bird control can be used on most exterior building surfaces. Building or roof ledges, edges of buildings, roof ridges, pipes, railings, beams and sills of any structure. Basically, anywhere they congregate.

Birds tend to roost in large groups that cause large damages to your building. Wires are a perfect solution when your business requires discretion.
This effective treatment is going to keep away the birds and all of the problems that accompany them.Corrosive droppings, noise, and potential diseases that can deter customers and annoy employees.

Grid wire can be used at many public locations including:

Office buildings
Retail stores
Strip malls
Historical buildings
Banquet Halls
Amusement parks
Government buildings
Tourist attractions

Bird Wire Installation-

It is important to have this type of deterrent installed by professionals. Please do not attempt to install this yourself. You will want to have it installed by the experts for safety and cosmetic reasons.

The nylon coated, steel wire is attached securely to surfaces. The wire is tolerant to any weather conditions and is manufactured to last. Because of the design, it can be installed on long or short areas of a building.

Every installation is custom, so it will fit your specific needs and your specific architecture. When the wire is attached, it is done with spring tension which allows the wire to appear very tight but it is actually very unstable. They may try, but after time they will not land on the wires.

Our team is ready to schedule a consultation for you. Call us today to schedule for your business needs. With our help you can prevent them from driving away business and employees.

Say goodbye to the noise and mess and avoid potential costly damages.
Contact us, we are ready to help.